Sunday, March 5, 2017

Automated AutoCAD GIS export to Maricopa County DDMSW hydrology

I have finished the first version of the open source work-flow optimized application at AutoCAD Wiki.  It works like this:

Watch the 5-minute basic video
Watch the longer video for complex usage

Draw Polylines

Draw polylines representing all your sub-basins, all your TC paths, and your total basin.

Copy Polylines

Use DDMSWCOPY to make copies of your polylines where you will attach DDMSW GIS data as I described in an earlier post.

Command: Select layer to toggle or Tc to continue [Rain (yes)/Sbas (yes)/Land (yes)/Soil (yes)/Tc] or <select objects>: TCopying Tc only. Select objects:26 selected. 2 filtered out. Select objects:Done. Copied 24 polylines to the Tc layer and attached DDMWS data to them.  Add data then use DDMSWEXPORTCommand: DDMSWCOPY
Command: Select layer to toggle or Tc to continue [Rain (yes)/Sbas (yes)/Land (yes)/Soil (yes)/Tc] or <select objects>: L
Turned off copying to Land layer.
Command: Select layer to toggle or Tc to continue [Rain (yes)/Sbas (yes)/Land (no)/Soil (yes)/Tc] or <select objects>: S Turned off copying to Land layer. Command: Select layer to toggle or Tc to continue [Rain (yes)/Sbas (yes)/Land (no)/Soil (no)/Tc] or <select objects>:
Select objects to copy to Rain and Sbas layers. Select objects:
13 selected. 2 filtered out. Select objects:
Done. Copied 11 polylines to Rain and Sbas and attached DDMWS data to them.  Add data to them using Properties before using DDMSWEXPORT

Export Maps

[File dialog for export root folder]
Done.  Exported all DDMSW data to [folder].  Continue in DDMSW.


Unknown said...

Could I please have a link to the output Shape files?


Thomas Gail Haws said...

Shapefiles are like maps. They are different for every project. Are you asking for an example?