Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Beginning AutoLISP programming for AutoCAD users

A fellow AutoCAD user friend of mine asked me yesterday if I knew a good place to learn the basics of how to program using LISP (in our world, that's short for AutoLISP).

His question reminded me that about 7 years ago I prepared a 3 lesson tutorial to allow an AutoCAD drafter to get the foot in the door writing simple AutoLISP commands.  If all you want to do is combine sequences of commands with a little input from users, these 3 lessons may be all you need.  And they are intended to begin with the basics for a regular AutoCAD user. 

I wrote the tutorials at PBWiki (Peanut Butter Wiki), which is now called PBWorks.  Here are the links to the lessons:

Front Page
Lesson 1: Hello, worldLesson 2: Your first custom AutoCAD command
Lesson 3: Saving your work

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