Monday, December 10, 2012

Gum disease healed! Dentist says "No problems."

Today I visited a new dentist for my first appointment in 12 months for X-rays, exam, and cleaning.  He said, "No problems."  When I incredulously asked him, "What about measuring my pockets?" he casually said, "If the hygienist sees trouble while cleaning, she will measure them."  She gave me the longest, best cleaning I have ever had.  She didn't even mention my gums.  Neither one of them mentioned my gums!!!!

And when I went to pay, they didn't bill me for a periodontal cleaning.  With my Employers Dental Services discount plan, the bill was $12 for about 1 1/2 hours in the office.  It's almost embarrassing to walk out having paid so little.

I could not believe it.  My gum disease is past.  I still don't believe it.  I asked him if my bony lumps are regrowth, and he confirmed that they are.

Anyway, rejoice with me, and read the story of my home care success with sonic brushing, waterpik irrigation (classic jet or pocket tip), water swishing, and fasting.  Search this blog for gum disease or click the "receding gum disease periodontitis" label link on the side.


  1. fantastic!
    you ARE my inspiration!

  2. Fantastic! Congratulations.
    Can you tell me whether you have had periodontal procedures, e.g. root planing, scaling etc, besides periodontal cleaning? Thank you.

  3. I've never been told by a dentist that I was having root planing or scaling. However, I was charged for periodontal cleaning every time I went to Bright Now Dental (about four times, and about every 6 to 12 months). Based on some quick research just now, it looks like periodontal cleanings involve root planing and scaling, and usually are done a quadrant or two of the mouth at a time. But my cleanings never spanned multiple visits, and never seemed to take extra long (in fact, the cleaning I had on the day mentioned above seemed to be the longest cleaning ever). Add to that uncertainty the fact that this Bright Now Dental office seemed to be always trying to upsell me on more expensive work (which is why I left them). In the end, I am still uncertain about how to answer your question. So unfortunately I can't tell you authoritatively yes or no.

  4. Thanks, Jen. I think the pleasant and enjoyable, pampering nature of using the WaterPik really makes a difference. Flossing feels like nightly torture. WaterPik irrigation feels like a nightly visit to the spa.

  5. I described the waterpik irrigation feels like a quick dental cleaning at the dentist...nightly! I'm looking forward to my next cleaning in 4 months to see if I have even more progress! It's crazy, many aren't a fan of the dentist, and now with adding your suggestions I look forward to my next appt in January!

  6. Yep. Definitely. Exactly. Can't wait to see your new numbers with those pink gums and that clean morning breath.

  7. Very informative article. What caught my attention is how
    bacteria is "intelligent" enough to hide and give protective cover to avoid detection by the immune system.

  8. Thank You For Enlightiment. I would like to know much about bad breath causes and treatment and prevention measure.

  9. Very often the same actions that heal gum disease stop bad breath. Have you read my post about Top Ten Actions to reverse gum disease?
    -Swish with water every time you think about your bad breath.
    -Irrigate nightly
    -Don't burn or irritate your gums

    Check out that post.


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