Tuesday, April 12, 2016

What is Democracy Spring? Songs and chants from Washington DC

Chant 1: echo rap
By Andy Argo

Yo, Washington, don't give us no sass!
Y'all been takin' orders from the donor class.
Y'all been ignorin' the people's voice.
So we're marching to Washington to bring the noise.

Yo, Washington, don't give us no sass!
Y'all been takin' orders from the donor class.
Y'all been ignorin' the people's voice.
We're bringin' the noise cuz we got no choice.

Theme song lyrics

( See melody and rhythm at the bottom of this post.)

Spring is coming.
Make some room.
Democracy (justice/freedom) is growing
When Love Is In Bloom.

Chant 2: echo cadence

(I need to straighten this one out a bit, but this is the general gist in at least some sort of order.)

Money ain't speech; corporations aren't people.
(I say) Money ain't speech; corporations aren't people.
Democracy spring: the movement's coming to you.
Democracy spring: the people's voice will be heard.
Democracy spring: stand up! Stand up!
Democracy spring: Sit-in! Sit-in!
One person one vote.
Listen up and take note!
Free and equal,
From coast to coast.
Non-violent action,
The people's hope.

Chant 3: echo yell

This is the most popular chant of the March and of the week.

One person;
One vote.
Money out
Of politics.
Money out!
Voters in!
I believe
That we will win!

Chant 4: echo boot camp

I wrote this one. It has not spread. :-)

Listen, we got a lot to say!
But we don't got a billion bucks to pay.
We been marching every day.
Marched from Philly to have our say.
Big money takes away our choice.
Money out! Give the voters voice.

Theme song melody

(Underscore following solfege indicates octave down.)

mi re do do
sol fa mi
mi do do la la sol_ sol_
sol_ fa_ fa_ sol_ sol_ do

Theme song rhythm

(Comma indicates measure bar line)

half half, eighth double-dotted-half,

half half, dotted-half

quarter, quarter eighth dotted-quarter quarter, eighth eighth-quarter

quarter, quarter quarter, eighth dotted-quarter, whole

This was typed and dictated on a smartphone. I hope to correct and clarify it when I get time on a real computer.

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