Sunday, April 13, 2014

LDS Church Growth and Attrition 1977 to 2013

According to this graph I prepared for Wikipedia, LDS official membership growth rate, while the lowest it has been since the 1930's, is currently about double the world population growth rate.

Another graph I prepared that has not been published elsewhere shows LDS Church baptisms, missionary service, and death/attrition rates since the 1990's.  Baptism and growth rates were declining in the early 2000's, and now seem essentially flat, with annual membership growth around 2.2% (double the world population growth rate).  Current death/attrition rates look lower than in the 1990's, but it's hard to discern any trend.  While it doesn't stand out on the graph, missionary service declined from 0.55% in the 1990's to 0.37% in recent years, a 1/3 reduction in missionary prevalence in ten years.

Of these numbers, the most difficult and least reliable are attritions/deaths and membership.  Some members simply disappear quietly, and it's impossible to know whether they are still affiliated or how long they remain alive.  I believe that it is church practice to keep a record of each lost individual until a certain standard age (such as 110 years), and to count membership from actual records on hand rather than applying something like actuarial death rate estimates.  While this individualized approach makes pastoral sense in that "every one is known", it is not demographically accurate.  We can say that the total membership numbers reported are an accurate count of the records the church has on hand of members not determined to be dead, and that this approach appears to be consistent over time.  Even if it overestimates the number of church members, it is useful in a relative sense.

Baptisms of children, on the other hand, are real events that come from real members.  And missionary service is a real event that comes from devout members.  Confounding factors like family size trends and female mission trends make it hard to tease precise indications of church strength from these numbers.  But in our favor are long-standing sustained expectations that all children are baptized at age eight and that all young men serve a mission after high school.  Child baptism prevalence slid from over 2% in the 1960's (not graphed) to around 0.9% through the last decade.  Missionary service prevalence declined from a high of 0.55% in the 1990's to 0.37% in recent years, a 1/3 reduction in missionary prevalence in one decade.

It is interesting to note that if we compare missionaries serving to the number of child baptisms 12 years earlier, it was around 70% 1987-1994, rose to around 80% 1997-2002, then declined to around 70% or slightly lower 2008-2012 before the missionary age was reduced.


1. When an infant is blessed by the elders of the church, her name is added to the records of the church, and thus she becomes a "child of record".  When a child of record is baptized at age 8, the baptism does not increase the membership of the church.  But if the child is not baptized before age 9, his membership status is changed from member to unbaptized, and he is no longer counted as a member.  Failure of children of record to be baptized is one form of attrition.  The graphs don't reflect the true complexity of this accounting rule.

2. I don't know how the records of aged members are removed if no notice is given of their death or attrition.

3.  The formula used to calculate the annual world population growth rate from sporadic estimates is R=(P2/P1)^(1/N)-1, where P2 is the second estimated population, P1 is the first estimated population, and N is the number of years between the two estimates.  From this formula, annual values and lagging 10-year averages were calculated.

Source Data

End of Year value Official total membership Full-time missionaries Convert Baptisms Children Baptized World population per HYDE
1829 1829 6

1830 1830 280

1 1831 680

2 1832 2661

3 1833 3140

4 1834 4372

5 1835 8835

6 1836 13293

7 1837 16282

8 1838 17881

9 1839 16460

40 1840 16865

1 1841 19856

2 1842 23564

3 1843 25980

4 1844 26146

5 1845 30332

6 1846 33993

7 1847 34694

8 1848 40477

9 1849 48160

50 1850 51839

1 1851 52165

2 1852 52640

3 1853 64154

4 1854 68429

5 1855 63974

6 1856 63881

7 1857 55236

8 1858 55755

9 1859 57038

60 1860 61082

1 1861 66211

2 1862 68780

3 1863 71770

4 1864 74348

5 1865 76771

6 1866 77884

7 1867 81124

8 1868 84622

9 1869 88432

70 1870 90130

1 1871 95596

2 1872 98152

3 1873 101538

4 1874 103916

5 1875 107167

6 1876 111111

7 1877 115065

8 1878 125046

9 1879 128386

80 1880 133628

1 1881 140733

2 1882 145604

3 1883 151593

4 1884 158242

5 1885 164130

6 1886 166653

7 1887 173029

8 1888 180294

9 1889 183144

90 1890 188263

1 1891 195445

2 1892 200961

3 1893 214534

4 1894 222369

5 1895 231116

6 1896 241427

7 1897 255736

8 1898 267251

9 1899 271681

1900 1900 283765

1 1901 292931

2 1902 299105

3 1903 304901

4 1904 324289

5 1905 332048

6 1906 345014

7 1907 357913

8 1908 371472

9 1909 377279

10 1910 398478

1 1911 407291

2 1912 417555

3 1913 431607

4 1914 454718

5 1915 466238

6 1916 477321

7 1917 488038

8 1918 495962

9 1919 507961

20 1920 525987

1 1921 548803

2 1922 566358

3 1923 575896

4 1924 597861

5 1925 613572

6 1926 623909

7 1927 644745

8 1928 655686

9 1929 663652

30 1930 670017

1 1931 688435

2 1932 703949

3 1933 717619

4 1934 730738

5 1935 746384

6 1936 760690

7 1937 767752

8 1938 784764

9 1939 803528 2216 7877 14412
40 1940 862664

1 1941 892080

2 1942 917715

3 1943 937050

4 1944 954004 592 4957 16106
5 1945 979454

6 1946 996505

7 1947 1016170

8 1948 1041970

9 1949 1078671 5313 14700 22808
50 1950 1111314

1 1951 1147157

2 1952 1189053

3 1953 1246362

4 1954 1302240 4687 21669 32807
5 1955 1357274

6 1956 1416731

7 1957 1488314

8 1958 1555799

9 1959 1616088 9097 48586 42189
60 1960 1693180

1 1961 1823661

2 1962 1965786

3 1963 2117451

4 1964 2234916 12585 82455 49413
5 1965 2395932

6 1966 2480899

7 1967 2614340

8 1968 2684073

9 1969 2807456 14387 79126 55210
70 1970 2930810

1 1971 3090953

2 1972 3218908

3 1973 3306658
79603 48578 3923325629
4 1974 3409987
69018 47234
5 1975 3572202
95412 50263 4073741819
6 1976 3742749
133959 52281
7 1977 3969220 25300 167939 62000
8 1978 4166854 27669 152000 63000
9 1979 4404121 29454 193000 67000
80 1980 4639822 29953 211000 65000 4442296596
1 1981 4920449 29700 224000 69000
2 1982 5162619 26300 207000 67000
3 1983 5351724 26565 189419 69000
4 1984 5641054 27655 192983 69000
5 1985 5919483 29265 197640 70000 4843949085
6 1986 6166974 31803 216210 72000
7 1987 6394314 34750 227284 75000
8 1988 6721210 36132 256515 73000
9 1989 7308444 39739 318940 75000
90 1990 7761179 43651 330877 78000 5279521283
1 1991 8089848 43395 297770 75000
2 1992 8404087 46025 274477 77380
3 1993 8689168 48708 304808 76312
4 1994 9024368 47311 300730 72538
5 1995 9338859 48631 304330 71139 5692354537
6 1996 9692441 52938 321385 81017
7 1997 10071783 56531 317798 75214
8 1998 10354241 57853 299134 76829 5930407103
9 1999 10752986 58593 306171 84118 6008326071
2000 2000 11068861 60784 273973 81450 6085574386
1 2001 11394522 60850 292612 69522
2 2002 11721548 61638 283138 81132 6238183321
3 2003 11985254 56237 242923 99457
4 2004 12275822 51067 241239 98870
5 2005 12560869 52060 243108 93150 6464751609
6 2006 12868606 53164 272845 94066 6540285038
7 2007 13193999 52686 279218 93698 6615854053
8 2008 13508509 52494 265593 123502 6691483957
9 2009 13824854 51736 280106 119722
10 2010 14131467 52225 272814 120528 6842925208
1 2011 14441346 55410 281312 119917
2 2012 14782473 58990 272330 122273
3 2013 15082028 83035 282945 115486
4 2014

5 2015


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