I've been using AutoCAD since 1992, over 20 years. This morning I was stumped for a while because while trying to use the Fillet command to create a simple rectangle with lines, the Fillet command was trimming instead of keeping the side of the line I was selecting.
I tried the Fillet command in a new drawing to determine that AutoCAD was indeed working right and it was my drawing that had trouble. I tried Audit on the drawing. I tried Wblock * ("ultrapurge") on the drawing. Neither worked. The trouble was that my view, my ucs, and the extrusion directionn of my objects were not in parallel planes. I fixed the problem using the PLAN command, like this: UCS World then PLAN Current UCS, or PLAN Enter. The plan command is a view command. It sets your view to match a ucs. That fixed Fillet!
Thanks! I don't know how this happened, but the PLAN command fixed my fillet.
ReplyDeleteThat fixed it! :)