Monday, October 19, 2009

PHP Visitor Language Detection per HTTP/1.1 Spec

This is Part 2 of Visitor Language Detection. Part 1 discussed the HTTP/1.1 specification. Here we have the PHP code for detecting the language to serve at your site as a combination of the browser language settings and your language offerings. In Part 3 is an example of your site's language settings as it's done in the phpGedView package.

* Copyright 2009 John Findlay, Tom Haws, and others
* Licensed under GNU GPL v3.0 or later
* Get the language to use for this session.
* See HTTP/1.1 Spec:
* A language-range matches a language-tag if it exactly equals the tag,
* or if it exactly equals a prefix of the tag such that the first tag
* character following the prefix is "-". The special range "*",
* if present in the Accept-Language field, matches every tag not matched
* by any other range present in the Accept-Language field.
* The language quality factor assigned to a language-tag by the
* Accept-Language field is the quality value of the longest language-
* range in the field that matches the language-tag. If no language-
* range in the field matches the tag, the language quality factor assigned
* is 0. If no Accept-Language header is present in the request, the server
* SHOULD assume that all languages are equally acceptable.
* Get the string list of supported languages for this Browser's preferred page languages
* "es,en-gb;q=0.9,en-us;q=0.8,en;q=0.6,pt;q=0.5,ie;q=0.4,it;q=0.3,fr;q=0.1"
* Requires the global $all_language_settings variable as an argument.
function getLanguage($all_language_settings) {
// if (empty($_SESSION["CLANGUAGE"])) { //(Comment this out. Let user change languages mid-stream)
if (isset($HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE)) $accept_langs = $HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE;
else if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) $accept_langs = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'];
// If there is a browser language list
if (isset($accept_langs)) {
// Explode the list by commas
$accept_langs_array = explode(",", $accept_langs);
// If there is an Accept-Language header, the default language quality is 0.
$browserDefaultQuality = 0;
// Split each language entry into range and quality.
foreach ($accept_langs_array as $key => $browserLang) {
// Get the name, quality, and prefix (prefix is a hack for non-compliance) of the browser language preference.
$browserLang = explode(";", strtolower($browserLang));
$browserLang[1] = substr($browserLang[1],2);
$browserLang[2] = explode("-", $browserLang[0]);
$browserLang[2] = $browserLang[2][0];
// If the range is "*", it gives the default language quality.
if ($browserLang[0] == "*") $browserDefaultQuality = $browserLang[1];
// If the range has no quality, the quality is 1.
if ($browserLang[1] == "") $browserLang[1] = "1";
$accept_langs_array[$key] = $browserLang;
else {
// If no header, all languages are quality 1.
$browserDefaultQuality = 1;
// First accepted language with a zero quality will be the default winner.
// Assign a combined quality * preference to each of our languages
// print_r($all_language_settings);
foreach ($all_language_settings as $tag => $language) {
$tagarray = explode("-", $tag);
$tagPrefix = $tagarray[0];
$tagQuality = $language['QUALITY'];
$longestMatch = 0;
// Assign the default quality.
$language['QUALITY'] = $browserDefaultQuality * $tagQuality;
// If there is an Accept-Language header, adjust
//language quality according to it.
if (isset($accept_langs)) {
// Loop through the browser language preferences to get
// the browser's quality for tag
foreach ($accept_langs_array as $browserLang) {
// If the browser language range exactly equals
// our language tag or our prefix
if ($browserLang[0] == $tagPrefix || $browserLang[0] == $tag) {
// We get to use its quality if it's the longest range that matches.
if (strlen($browserLang[0]) > $longestMatch) {
$longestMatch = strlen($browserLang[0]);
// Assign it in case this is the longest match.
$language['QUALITY'] = $browserLang[1] * $tagQuality;
* NON-COMPLIANT hack for disinterested users that prefer
* to accept prefix language without saying so.
* (They say es-ar, but really, really also prefer es to en)
* (But not, on the negative side, if they say they hate
* en-cockney, but really hate all forms of english.)
* In real world usage, the negative non-acceptance case is
* likely a sign of genuine user intent and attention.
* An intentional user in such a situation would naturally
* assume generic en would NOT be included in his non-acceptance
* of en-cockney. So we make sure we count such pseudo-matches
* only for range qualities over 0.5. Also, we call it a
* pseudo-match with length of one since it's not
* legitimate. We will be assigning its adjusted range quality
* to our tag only if there is no legitimate match.
} elseif (($browserLang[2] == $tagPrefix) && ($browserLang[1] > 0.5) && ($longestMatch < 1)) {
// Call it a one character long match (a pseudo-match).
$longestMatch = 1;
// Assign it in case this is the longest match.
$language['QUALITY'] = $browserLang[1] * $tagQuality;
// echo "\n
For tag $tag, quality $tagQuality, browser range $browserLang[0], quality $browserLang[1], put tag quality at $language[QUALITY].";
// If this tag has the highest quality so far, declare it the current winner.
if ($language['QUALITY'] > $highestQuality) {
$highestQuality = $language['QUALITY'];
echo "Default browser quality: $browserDefaultQuality";
return $winningLanguage;
// } else {
// return $_SESSION["CLANGUAGE"];
// }


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